Manual Medicine

Osteopathic Manual Medicine

This treatment involves using the hands to assess, treat, and prevent injury or illness. Our therapists will move joints and muscles, using gentle pressure, stretching, and resistance.

This is an effective technique for all ages, as it eases pain and promotes mobility in the body. It is very effective for athletes who want to take their skills to a higher level. This is also a valuable treatment for job-related injuries.

It works on multiple systems at a cellular level. Internal organs are affected by the use of Chapman’s neurolymphatics and Bennett’s neurovascular treatments.

Intra Oral

The interior of the mouth contains numerous muscles and joints which can affect your body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Your back may hurt, but your TMJ may be the problem. Many headaches may originate from some imbalance within the oral cavity. All of our practitioners are certified to work within the mouth to treat numerous conditions that may manifest themselves in a related area of the body. This work is also very valuable for athletes, since addressing issues with these joints and muscles will keep the body in balance and assist in greater performances.
